Like most homeowners, chances are you don’t give your chimney much thought until there’s a problem. But just like any other part of your home, your chimney needs regular upkeep to function correctly and keep your family safe. Here are a few tips for chimney maintenance to keep it in good working order.

Chimney Maintenance Tasks

1. Schedule an Annual Inspection

You might not be able to see the inside of your chimney, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to ignore it. Cracks, blockages, and other problems can develop over time, so having your chimney inspected by a professional at least once a year is important. Scheduling an annual inspection is the best way to catch minor problems before they become major. A professional will look for cracks in the brick and mortar, animal nests and leaves accumulated in the flue, and a build-of of creosote. This flammable material is a by-product of burning wood in the fireplace.

2. Clean the Chimney as Part of Regular Maintenance

Even if you don’t use your fireplace often, soot and debris can still build up in the chimney. To prevent this, sweep your chimney at least once or twice a year if you use the fireplace frequently. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, hire a professional chimney sweep to clean it. A pro will have the tools and expertise necessary to do the job safely and correctly.

3. Verify the Damper is Functional

A functional damper is pivotal in maintaining your chimney and keeping your home comfortable. When closed, it is a barrier that keeps cold drafts, pests, and debris from entering your home. When open, it allows smoke and gases to escape during a fire. Over time, the damper can become rusty, stuck, or damaged, compromising its effectiveness. Regularly inspect and verify the damper is in good working condition. A properly functioning damper keeps your home comfortable and prevents harmful fumes, like carbon monoxide, from backing up into your living space.

4. Install a Chimney Cap

Installing a chimney cap is a helpful step in chimney maintenance that homeowners often overlook. This simple device serves as a protective barrier at the top of your chimney, preventing debris, animals, rainwater, and downdrafts from entering your home through the chimney. Without a cap, leaves, twigs, or nesting animals can obstruct the flue, leading to airflow problems and fire hazards. Additionally, rainwater entering the chimney can mix with creosote, causing a foul odor and potentially damaging the chimney. By investing in a chimney cap, homeowners safeguard their homes and ensure the longevity and efficient operation of their chimneys. It’s a small yet highly effective measure that saves time and money while promoting a safer and more comfortable home environment.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain your chimney and help prevent serious problems from developing. If you have concerns about your chimney or notice anything unusual, call a professional for help.

Appalachian Inspection Services offers inspections to homebuyers and sellers in Asheville, NC, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to request our services.