As a homeowner, it’s essential to be prepared for emergencies to keep your family safe. These home safety essentials protect yourself and your loved ones.

Home Safety Essentials: Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors save lives and are essential for fire safety. Install these devices in each bedroom and the living areas and in utility rooms with appliances or potential fire hazards. Replace the batteries every six months and test the detectors monthly to verify they function properly.

Fire Extinguisher

Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and garage so you have access in areas where fires are most likely to occur. If you enjoy building a fire in the fireplace, make sure there is an extinguishing device nearby. Regularly check the device’s pressure and replace an expired or worn-out extinguisher.

First-Aid Kit

Be prepared for minor medical emergencies. Assemble a first-aid kit, including bandages, antiseptic wipes, alcohol swabs, gauze pads, and over-the-counter medications. Store your kit in an easy-to-access location and make sure family members know where to find it.

Home Security System

A security system helps protect you and your property from intruders. Shop for a complete system that offers motion-sensing lights and cameras, door and window sensors, and automatic alerts in case of fire or unauthorized entry so the authorities are notified in an emergency. Modern security systems are WiFi-connected, so you can access the camera footage on your smartphone.

Home Safety Essentials for Parents: Childproofing

Secure the cabinets and drawers with childproof locks to prevent young children from accessing dangerous items such as knives, scissors, and cleaning supplies. Install covers over the electrical outlets and corner guards on furniture to protect toddlers from injury.

Escape Plan

Create an exit route with your family so everyone knows the safest ways to leave the house in case of a fire. Practice your escape plan regularly, considering scenarios that require you to evacuate quickly, such as a house fire, gas leak, or natural disaster. Plan where to meet in an emergency, and make sure everyone knows how to dial 911.

Create an Emergency Kit with Home Safety Essentials

Assemble an emergency kit with flashlights, blankets, non-perishable foods and water, a first-aid kit, medications, and pet necessities. Keep your kit in a designated spot, and ensure family members know where it is located.

These home safety essentials help you feel more secure and prepared for emergencies. Gather these useful supplies for your home and review safety plans with your family to keep everyone safe.

Appalachian Inspection Services offers home inspections to customers in Western North Carolina. Contact us to request our services.