Home Improvement Goals for the New Year

When a new year rolls around, it’s the perfect time to set some resolutions. If you want to start taking better care of your home this year, set some home improvement goals for the new year. Here are 5 ideas for you to put into action.

Set Up a Whole Maintenance Calendar for the Year

The beginning of the year is the best time to set up your home maintenance calendar. Think about tasks that need to be done regularly. It might be every month, twice a year, once a year, or weekly. Write all of these tasks down on a calendar from January to December. You might use a wall calendar, a personal planner, or an online calendar that sends you reminders on your phone.

Home Improvement Goals to Take Care of Your Appliances

Your appliances are essential to your everyday life. Perhaps you purchased a brand new appliance over the holidays or maybe you have had your appliances for many years. Either way, you’d like for them to last as long as possible. Make it a resolution this year to take better care of your appliances. This includes cleaning the refrigerator coils twice a year, cleaning the dryer lint trap after every use, flushing the water heater yearly, and scheduling biannual HVAC servicing. Put these tasks on your home maintenance calendar.

Do a Safety Audit

Maintenance tasks that have to do with the safety of your home are some of the most important. Start the new year by completing a safety audit of your home. Check over your smoke detectors and make sure they are operational and are not over a decade old. If they are approaching the 10-year mark, replace them. Test the home for radon if it hasn’t been. Inspect decking and make sure the railings, boards, and steps are secure. These are just a few things to check during a home safety audit.

Complete One Small Project Every Month

Even if you are busy, you can find time to complete one small DIY home project in the month. These could be as simple as decluttering a closet, changing cabinet hardware, mulching a garden bed, or painting the front door. You’ll have pride in your home when seeing the results of your work.

Start a Savings Account for Your House

This year, set aside a certain sum of money each paycheck to put in a separate account dedicated to home repairs and upgrades. A home fund will give you a safety net if an unexpected repair is required. Homeownership can come with surprises, so it pays to be prepared.

Appalachian Inspection Services provides home inspections to Western North Carolina. If you’re buying or selling a home, contact us to schedule an appointment.